Session Tracking

Include tracking information about a client session in an LDAP operation. See Draft RFC.

Using the Session Tracking Control

When binding and the user is not yet known

BindOperation bind = new BindOperation(new DefaultConnectionFactory("ldap://"));
BindRequest request = SimpleBindRequest.builder()
  .controls(new SessionTrackingControl(
    "", // client IP address
    "", // client host name, empty string if unknown
    SessionTrackingControl.USERNAME_ACCT_OID, // must assign an OID even if using an empty identifier
    "")) // empty tracking identifier

When searching and the user is known

SearchOperation search = new SearchOperation(new DefaultConnectionFactory("ldap://"));
SearchRequest request = SearchRequest.builder()
  .controls(new SessionTrackingControl(
    "", // client IP address
    "", // client host name, empty string if unknown
SearchResponse response = search.execute(request);
for (LdapEntry entry : response.getEntries()) {
  // do something useful with the entries