Release Notes
Version 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT - DDMMM20YY
Issue |
Description |
2fd8380 |
Produce a core jar with shaded netty dependencies. |
084b4a2 |
Add support for freezable response controls. |
0b8da14 |
Refactor PasswordPolicyControl; continuation of 276. |
32d93b2 |
Add Jazzer fuzzer module. |
31caaea |
Create a beans-spring module; move spring classes into separate maven module. |
Version 2.4.1 - 17Mar2025
Issue |
Description |
d33d59b |
Improve shouldBase64Encode implementation. |
c1cd920 |
Add BigIntegerValueTranscoder. |
0f43077 |
Improve AD schema factory to use schemaNamingContext. |
0c982c3 |
Update GlobalIdentifier to optionally support brackets. |
73c1d0f |
Add prunePriorityFactory to AgePruneStrategy. |
ldaptive-279 |
Fix thread safety issues in LdapURLActivatorService. |
ldaptive-278 |
Change AccountState to allow both errors and warnings. |
ldaptive-277 |
Avoid excessive memory consumption in DERParser. |
ldaptive-276 |
PasswordPolicyAuthenticationResponseHandler should load both warnings and errors. |
ldaptive-275 |
Add LdapEntry#mapAttribute methods. |
Version 2.4.0 - 01Dec2024
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-273 |
Improve flexibility of prune strategy. |
ldaptive-272 |
Refactor netty transport creation. |
ldaptive-267 |
Add referral support for non-search operations. |
ldaptive-266 |
Remove serializable interface from JAAS principals. |
ldaptive-264 |
Improve logging in response handlers. |
ldaptive-258 |
Add notion of immutability to configuration objects. |
ldaptive-256 |
Separate URL parsing concerns from URL state management in connections. |
ldaptive-255 |
Add spotbugs maven plugin. |
Version 2.3.2 - 11Apr2024
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-254 |
Restrict max filter depth. |
674c64d |
Filter parsing improvements. |
ldaptive-252 |
Multi-byte characters incorrectly encoded in filter assertions. |
Version 2.3.1 - 26Feb2024
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-251 |
SaslHandler does not send length correctly. |
32528ad |
Change autoReplay default to false. |
ldaptive-248 |
Response timeout is too strict for search operations. |
b9e186a |
Prefer cached thread pool for reconnects. |
Version 2.3.0 - 15Jan2024
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-244 |
Add ConnectionValidator to SingleConnectionFactory. |
ldaptive-243 |
Add timeoutIsFailure and validResultCodesto SearchConnectionValidator and CompareConnectionValidator. |
c662b2f |
Add support for determining ancestry, descendancy and equality of DNs. |
0746c08 |
Add support for search references and reloadHint in SyncReplClient. |
ae1bda7 |
Improvements to VLV and paged results. |
cf0311b |
Improve DefaultRDnNormalizer. |
53f9076 |
Add minimal attribute value escaper. |
ldaptive-238 |
Prefer normalized DNs to lowercased DNs in LdapEntry. |
ldaptive-237 |
Remove use of Locale specific lower/upper casing. |
Version 2.2.0 - 17Aug2023
slf4j updated to version 2 with this release.
The following structual changes were made:
- Drop support for the ldaptive-json module; there are many libraries available to create JSON from Objects.
- Drop support for spring schema extensions; this feature was difficult to maintain and not widely used.
- Move the templates module classes into core; three classes didn’t merit a separate module.
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-234 |
GSSAPI throws exception evaluating last challenge. |
Version 2.1.2 - 11Mar2023
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-228 |
Support batching for batching merge operations. |
ldaptive-227 |
Improve MergeOperation to support configuration of underlying operations. |
ldaptive-221 |
Fix the initialization of SyncInfoMessage. |
ldaptive-218 |
Fix potential long waits on checkout. |
ldaptive-212 |
Add basic Java module support. |
Version 2.1.1 - 16Apr2022
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-206 |
Add formal package for DN parsing. |
ldaptive-203 |
Add support for draft-ietf-ldapext-locate in DnsSrvConnectionStrategy. |
ldaptive-202 |
Add ValidationExceptionHandler to pooling config. |
ldaptive-200 |
Deep copy connection strategy. |
Version 2.1.0 - 02Aug2021
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-199 |
Mis-spelled methods in ModifyRequest.Builder. |
ldaptive-197 |
CompareAuthenticationHandler skips entry resolution. |
ldaptive-196 |
Change default schema parser to use a CharBuffer. |
ldaptive-194 |
Update CredentialReader to support multiple paths. |
ldaptive-192 |
Update SearchDnResolver to support an attribute entry. |
ldaptive-191 |
Add MergeResultHandler. |
ldaptive-188 |
Connection validator can’t block in netty pipeline. |
ldaptive-186 |
SyncReplRunner thread exhaustion. |
Version 2.0.1 - 09Nov2020
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-3 |
Add support for the matched values request control. |
Version 2.0.0 - 26Jul2020
Initial v2 release based on Netty. Java 11 required.
Version 1.2.4 - 18Jan2019
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-144 |
Incorrect JNDI base DN escaping. |
ldaptive-140 |
Passivator orphans connections. |
ldaptive-138 |
Escape control characters in auth logs. |
ldaptive-136 |
Clean up thread-local used in ThreadLocalTLSSocketFactory. |
ldaptive-135 |
Simple type conversion does not support Object wrappers. |
ldaptive-131 |
PasswordPolicyControl ambiguous graceAuthNsRemaining. |
Version 1.2.3 - 04Oct2017
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-127 |
Add CertificateHostnameVerifier property to SslConfig. |
Version 1.2.2 - 21Jul2017
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-125 |
Add support for authentication request handling |
ldaptive-123 |
Add support for SessionTrackingControl |
ldaptive-121 |
Fix algorithm handling for CompareAuthenticationHandler |
Version 1.2.1 - 22Nov2016
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-119 |
Incorrect DN backslash escaping in JNDI provider |
ldaptive-117 |
Incorrect equals implementation |
Version 1.2.0 - 26Jul2016
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-111 |
Add passwordAttribute property to CompareAuthenticationHandler |
ldaptive-107 |
Support resolving Credential property from a resource |
ldaptive-106 |
Fix incorrect logging in AggregateDnResolver |
ldaptive-101 |
Update CaseChangeEntryHandler to support specific attributes |
ldaptive-99 |
Fix potential ClassNotFoundException in JNDI provider with SSLSocketFactory |
ldaptive-96 |
Update LDAPI package, now available in maven central |
ldaptive-89 |
Allow configuration of return attributes on the Authenticator |
ldaptive-75 |
ConnectionStrategy interface moved to the base package |
ldaptive-74 |
ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationHandler updated to use msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed |
ldaptive-71 |
Snapshots are published to maven-repo |
ldaptive-64 |
Refactor DnResolver to use User object |
ldaptive-61 |
Refactor JSON package to use GSON |
ldaptive-60 |
Use new java.time API instead of Calendar |
ldaptive-59 |
Use Java 8 base64 implementation |
ldaptive-58 |
Use Duration instead of int or long |
ldaptive-57 |
Add FreeIPA authentication response handler |
ldaptive-56 |
Add support for Spring extensible namespaces to the beans package |
Version 1.1.0 - 09Oct2015
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-53 |
Add minimumQueryTermLength to AbstractServletSearchTemplatesExecutor |
ldaptive-52 |
Remove TLSSocketFactory#hostnameVerifier |
ldaptive-50 |
Add support for specific attribute names in DefaultLdapEntryManager |
ldaptive-46 |
EDirectory authentication response handler should support an expiration window |
ldaptive-45 |
Can not set default sort behavior with a JVM switch |
ldaptive-44 |
BindAuthenticationHandler throws for most result codes |
ldaptive-43 |
EDirectoryAuthenticationResponseHandler prefers warning to error |
ldaptive-41 |
PasswordPolicyAuthenticationResponseHandler prefers warning to error |
ldaptive-39 |
Add cipher suites/protocol support to the UnboundIDProvider |
ldaptive-37 |
Make AbstractConnectionPool#isInitialized public |
ldaptive-36 |
JNDI DN Formating |
ldaptive-34 |
DefaultLdapEntryManager find implementation is broken |
ldaptive-33 |
Entry mapper implementations are not generified |
ldaptive-31 |
Schema parsing does not support empty DESC |
ldaptive-29 |
Add resolvedDN to the authentication response |
ldaptive-28 |
Add ldaptive namespace for Spring extensible XML |
ldaptive-25 |
Add ldaptive support for following referrals |
ldaptive-23 |
JNDI only returns first referral URL |
ldaptive-20 |
SpringLdapEntryMapper doesn’t map byte array correctly |
ldaptive-19 |
Improve pool log levels |
ldaptive-16 |
Support Java 7 try-with-resources |
ldaptive-14 |
Providers shouldn’t detect binary attributes |
ldaptive-7 |
Add entry resolver that leverages the authorization identity control |
ldaptive-5 |
Add support for resolving LDAP servers via SRV DNS records |
Version 1.0.6 - 27Feb2015
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-27 |
Webapp should escape HTML in attribute values |
ldaptive-24 |
ThreadLocalTLSSocketFactory not reinitialized by JNDI |
ldaptive-21 |
AggregateDnResolver uses incorrect class in it’s AuthenticationHandler |
ldaptive-14 |
Detection of binary attributes |
ldaptive-9 |
Add an entry handler for the AD primary group attribute |
Version 1.0.5 - 24Oct2014
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-230 |
Add support for the authorization identity control |
ldaptive-229 |
BER lengths are decoded as signed 2s complement |
ldaptive-228 |
Add support for parsing ASN1 distinguished names |
ldaptive-227 |
Default hostname verifier should not parse hostname as a string |
ldaptive-225 |
AggregateDnResolver blocks forever |
ldaptive-224 |
Refactored SearchEntryResolver to support subtree searches |
ldaptive-223 |
Added support for binaryAttributes property in the UnboundID provider |
Version 1.0.4 - 02Jul2014
Version 1.0.3 - 01Apr2014
Version 1.0.2 - 22Nov2013
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-200 |
add failfast property for pool initialization |
ldaptive-199 |
provide blocking queue based search executor for memory constrained searching |
ldaptive-197 |
allow for selecting a specific alias when using KeyStores in SSL |
ldaptive-196 |
provide capacity controls for classes that use blocking queues |
ldaptive-195 |
provide an enum for static return attribute values |
ldaptive-194 |
expose attribute value encoding methods on SearchFilter |
ldaptive-193 |
fix concurrent modification exception in recursive entry handler |
ldaptive-191 |
escape user input in FormatDnResolver |
ldaptive-183 |
add support for the persitent search request control (draft-ietf-ldapext-psearch-03) |
ldaptive-178 |
add support for the proxied authorization control (RFC 4370) |
ldaptive-177 |
expose the authentication request in authentication criteria |
ldaptive-176 |
provide support for encoding and decoding of Active Directory unicodePwd attribute |
Version 1.0.1 - 01July2013
Issue |
Description |
ldaptive-172 |
allow adding of search entry handlers to search entry resolvers |
ldaptive-171 |
search servlet should check for empty query |
ldaptive-170 |
add bind passivator implementation |
ldaptive-169 |
update unboundid sdk version (2.3.4) |
ldaptive-168 |
update apache ldap api version (1.0.0-M18) |
ldaptive-167 |
add support for parsing Generalized Time attributes |
ldaptive-166 |
update ObjectGuidHandler and ObjectSidHandler to support any attribute in that format |
ldaptive-162 |
update unboundid sdk version (2.3.3) |
ldaptive-161 |
update apache ldap api version (1.0.0-M17) |
ldaptive-159 |
is/set method properties not supported by the property invoker |
ldaptive-157 |
property source should not overwrite provider config settings unless data was found |
ldaptive-156 |
add ability to create credential config from preexisting credentials |
ldaptive-150 |
NullPointerException thrown by BlockingConnectionPool#toString() if invoked before #initialize() |
ldaptive-149 |
add support for client side syncing of LDAP entries with a MergeOperation |
ldaptive-148 |
add support for creating X509CredentialConfig from a PEM encoded String |
ldaptive-146 |
using sorted attributes with multiple binary values causes a ClassCastException |
Version 1.0 - 15March2013
Initial Release