Bean Generation
Ldaptive supports generating Java beans from an LDAP schema. The Sun codemodel library is used for java source generation. This support is provided in a separate library that is available in the jars directory of the latest download .
Or included as a maven dependency:
<groupId> org.ldaptive</groupId>
<artifactId> ldaptive-beans</artifactId>
<version> 2.4.0</version>
Using Java to generate beans
DefaultConnectionFactory factory = new DefaultConnectionFactory ( "ldap://" );
Schema schema = SchemaFactory . createSchema ( factory );
BeanGenerator generator = BeanGenerator . builder ()
. schema ( schema )
. excludedNames ( "objectClass" )
. objectClasses ( "inetOrgPerson" )
. packageName ( "org.ldaptive.beans.schema" )
. useOperationalAttributes ( true )
. useOptionalAttributes ( true )
. includeSuperiorClasses ( true )
. build ();
generator . generate ();
generator . write ( "target/generated-test-sources/ldaptive" );
This would generate a bean that looks like:
* Ldaptive generated bean for objectClass 'inetOrgPerson'
* Note: Many properties have been removed for brevity
@Entry ( dn = "dn" , attributes = {
@Attribute ( name = "cn" ),
@Attribute ( name = "createTimestamp" ),
@Attribute ( name = "creatorsName" ),
@Attribute ( name = "description" ),
@Attribute ( name = "entryDN" ),
@Attribute ( name = "entryUUID" ),
@Attribute ( name = "jpegPhoto" , binary = true ),
@Attribute ( name = "uid" ),
@Attribute ( name = "userCertificate" ),
public class InetOrgPerson {
private String dn ;
private Collection < String > cn ;
private ZonedDateTime createTimestamp ;
private String creatorsName ;
private Collection < String > description ;
private String entryDN ;
private UUID entryUUID ;
private Collection < byte []> jpegPhoto ;
private Collection < String > uid ;
private Collection < Certificate > userCertificate ;
public String getDn () {
return dn ;
public void setDn ( String s ) {
this . dn = s ;
public Collection < String > getCn () {
return cn ;
public void setCn ( Collection < String > c ) {
this . cn = c ;
public ZonedDateTime getCreateTimestamp () {
return createTimestamp ;
public void setCreateTimestamp ( ZonedDateTime t ) {
this . createTimestamp = t ;
public String getCreatorsName () {
return creatorsName ;
public void setCreatorsName ( String s ) {
this . creatorsName = s ;
public Collection < String > getDescription () {
return description ;
public void setDescription ( Collection < String > c ) {
this . description = c ;
public String getEntryDN () {
return entryDN ;
public void setEntryDN ( String s ) {
this . entryDN = s ;
public UUID getEntryUUID () {
return entryUUID ;
public void setEntryUUID ( UUID s ) {
this . entryUUID = s ;
public Collection < byte []> getJpegPhoto () {
return jpegPhoto ;
public void setJpegPhoto ( Collection < byte []> c ) {
this . jpegPhoto = c ;
public Collection < String > getUid () {
return uid ;
public void setUid ( Collection < String > c ) {
this . uid = c ;
public Collection < Certificate > getUserCertificate () {
return userCertificate ;
public void setUserCertificate ( Collection < Certificate > c ) {
this . userCertificate = c ;
Using Maven to generate beans
Add the dependencies to your pom.xml:
<groupId> org.ldaptive</groupId>
<artifactId> ldaptive-beans</artifactId>
<version> 2.4.0</version>
<groupId> com.sun.codemodel</groupId>
<artifactId> codemodel</artifactId>
<version> 2.6</version>
<optional> true</optional>
Create a properties file for your configuration: src/main/resources/
# ldaptive bean generation properties
# package to create the beans in
# whether to generate beans that include optional attributes
# whether to generate beans that include operational attributes
# object classes to generate
# provide friendly names some attributes
# don't generate properties for these attributes
# directory to read the schema from
Declare a maven exec plugin to generate the beans:
<groupId> org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
<artifactId> exec-maven-plugin</artifactId>
<version> 1.2.1</version>
<mainClass> org.ldaptive.beans.generate.BeanGenerator</mainClass>
<argument> file:src/main/resources/</argument>
<argument> target/generated-sources/ldaptive</argument>
<id> exec</id>
<phase> generate-sources</phase>
<goal> java</goal>
Declare a maven build helper to compile the generated source:
<groupId> org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
<artifactId> build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId>
<version> 1.8</version>
<id> add-source</id>
<goal> add-source</goal>
<phase> process-sources</phase>
<source> ${}/generated-sources/ldaptive</source>
Run the mvn compile command to generate and compile your beans.