Who Am I
Returns the name of the authorization entity established on the connection as described in RFC 4532.
Connection conn = DefaultConnectionFactory.getConnection("ldap://directory.ldaptive.org");
try {
WhoAmIOperation whoami = new WhoAmIOperation(conn);
Response<String> response = whoami.execute(new WhoAmIRequest());
String authzId = response.getResult();
} finally {
Provider Support
Apache LDAP |
UnboundID |
OpenDJ |
✓ |
✓ |
✶ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Functionality exists in the provider API and has been confirmed |
✗ |
Functionality does not exist in the provider API |
✶ |
Functionality exists in the provider API, but did not work in our test environment |
? |
Functionality exists in the provider API, but has not been integrated into the ldaptive provider |