Request that the server sort results before returning them to the client. See RFC 2891. The SortKey class accepts three parameters that control the sorting:
attributeDescription - name of the attribute to sort on
matchingRuleId - matching rule defined by RFC 3698; optional, if not present the attribute’s default matching rule is used
reverseOrder - whether the entries should be presented in reverse sorted order; default is false
Connectionconn=DefaultConnectionFactory.getConnection("ldap://");try{;SearchOperationsearch=newSearchOperation(conn);SearchRequestrequest=newSearchRequest("dc=ldaptive,dc=org","(givenName=d*)","cn","sn");SortRequestControlsrc=newSortRequestControl(newSortKey[]{newSortKey("sn","caseExactMatch")},true);// sort by surnamerequest.setControls(src);SearchResultresult=search.execute(request).getResult();for(LdapEntryentry:result.getEntries()){// do something useful with the entry}}finally{conn.close();}
Provider Support
Apache LDAP
Functionality exists in the provider API and has been confirmed
Functionality does not exist in the provider API
Functionality exists in the provider API, but did not work in our test environment
Functionality exists in the provider API, but has not been integrated into the ldaptive provider