AutoReadFlowControlHandler |
Keeps a counter of messages that have been sent down the pipeline.
DefaultNettyTransport |
Creates netty connections using the best fit event loop group based on the operating system.
MessageFrameDecoder |
Reads the input byte buffer until an entire message is available.
NettyConnection |
Netty based connection implementation.
NettyConnection.AddRemoveHandler |
Invokes a latch when this handler is added or removed from a pipeline.
NettyConnection.AutoReadEventHandler |
Initiates a channel read when an LDAP message has been processed and auto read is false.
NettyConnection.MessageDecoder |
Decodes byte buffer into a concrete LDAP response message.
NettyConnection.RequestEncoder |
Encodes an LDAP request into its DER bytes.
NettyDERBuffer |
NettyTransportFactory |
Netty specific implementation for creating Transport .
NettyUtils |
Provides utility methods for this package.
SaslHandler |
Netty handler that uses a SaslClient to wrap and unwrap requests and responses.
StatefulNettyTransport |
Creates netty connections with configured event loops.