All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbandonRequest |
LDAP abandon request defined as:
AbandonRequest.Builder |
Abandon request builder.
AbstractAttributeValueAssertionFilter |
Base class for attribute value assertion filters.
AbstractAttributeValueEscaper |
Escapes an attribute value per RFC 4514 section 2.4.
AbstractAttributeValueMutator |
AbstractAuthenticationHandler |
Base class for an LDAP authentication implementations.
AbstractBinaryAttributeHandler<T> |
Base class for entry handlers that convert a binary attribute to its string form.
AbstractBinaryValueTranscoder<T> |
Value transcoder which decodes and encodes to a byte array and therefore the string methods simply delegate to the
binary methods.
AbstractClassDescriptor |
Base implementation of a class descriptor.
AbstractClassDescriptor.SimpleAttributeValueMutator |
AbstractClassDescriptor.SimpleDnValueMutator |
Stores the DN value from a Entry configuration.
AbstractCollectionReflectionTranscoder |
Reflection transcoder for an object that implements a Collection .
AbstractConfig |
Provides common implementations for configuration objects.
AbstractConnectionFactoryManagerPropertySource<T extends ConnectionFactoryManager> |
Property source for classes that contain a connection factory.
AbstractConnectionPool |
Contains the base implementation for pooling connections.
AbstractConnectionStrategy |
Base class for connection strategy implementations.
AbstractConnectionStrategy.DefaultLdapURLIterator |
Default iterator implementation.
AbstractConnectionValidator |
Base class for connection validator implementations.
AbstractConnectionValidator.AbstractBuilder<B,T extends AbstractConnectionValidator> |
Base class for validator builders.
AbstractControl |
Base class for ldap controls.
AbstractCredentialReader<T> |
Base class for all credential readers.
AbstractDefaultDefinitionFunction<T extends SchemaElement> |
Base class for default definition functions.
AbstractDERTag |
Abstract base class for custom DER tag types.
AbstractDERType |
Provides functionality common to DER types implementations.
AbstractDNSResolver<T> |
Base class for all DNS resolvers.
AbstractEntryHandler |
Base class for entry handlers which simply returns values unaltered.
AbstractFilterFunction |
Base implementation to parse an LDAP search filter string.
AbstractFollowReferralHandler<Q extends Request,S extends Result> |
Common implementation of referral handling.
AbstractFollowSearchReferralHandler |
Base class with functionality for handling an ldap referral for search operations.
AbstractFreezable |
Base class for objects that can be made immutable.
AbstractLdapEntryMapper<T> |
Base implementation of an ldap entry mapper.
AbstractLoginModule |
Provides functionality common to ldap based JAAS login modules.
AbstractMessage |
LDAP message envelope defined as:
AbstractMessage.AbstractBuilder<B,T extends AbstractMessage> |
AbstractMessage.ControlParser |
Parses a buffer containing an LDAP control.
AbstractMessage.ControlsHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the message controls.
AbstractMessage.MessageIDHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the message ID.
AbstractMessageFunctionalEntryHandler<T> |
Base class for entry handlers which simply returns values unaltered.
AbstractNamedSchemaElement |
Base schema bean for named schema elements.
AbstractOperation<Q extends Request,S extends Result> |
Base class for operations.
AbstractOperation.AbstractBuilder<B,T extends AbstractOperation> |
Base class for operation builders.
AbstractOperationConnectionValidator<Q extends Request,S extends Result> |
Base class for validators that use an operation to perform validation.
AbstractOperationConnectionValidator.AbstractBuilder<Q extends Request,S extends Result,B,T extends AbstractOperationConnectionValidator<Q,S>> |
Base class for operation validator builders.
AbstractOperationFactory<Q extends Request,S extends Result> |
Base class for classes that need to configure an operation.
AbstractOperationWorker<T extends Operation<Q,S>,Q extends Request,S extends Result> |
Base class for worker operations.
AbstractParseHandler<T> |
Parse handler for managing and initializing an object.
AbstractPassiveConnectionStrategy |
Base class for connection strategies that implement an active/passive format for URLs.
AbstractPrimitiveValueTranscoder<T> |
Base class for primitive value transcoders.
AbstractPropertiesFactory |
Provides implementation common to properties based factories.
AbstractPropertyInvoker |
Provides methods common to property invokers.
AbstractPropertySource<T> |
Provides methods common to property source implementations.
AbstractPruneStrategy |
Base class for prune strategy implementations.
AbstractPruneStrategy.AbstractBuilder<B,T extends AbstractPruneStrategy> |
Base class for prune strategy builders.
AbstractRegexDefinitionFunction<T extends SchemaElement> |
Base class for regex definition functions.
AbstractRequestMessage |
LDAP message envelope defined as:
AbstractRequestMessage.AbstractBuilder<B,T extends AbstractRequestMessage> |
Base class for request builders.
AbstractResult |
LDAP result message defined as:
AbstractResult.AbstractBuilder<B,T extends AbstractResult> |
AbstractResult.DiagnosticMessageHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the LDAP diagnostic message.
AbstractResult.MatchedDNHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the LDAP matched DN.
AbstractResult.ReferralHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the LDAP referral.
AbstractResult.ResultCodeHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the LDAP result code.
AbstractRetryMetadata |
Common implementation of retry metadata.
AbstractSchemaElement |
Base class for schema elements.
AbstractSchemaElementValueTranscoder<T extends SchemaElement> |
Base class for schema element value transcoders.
AbstractSearchEntryResolver |
Base implementation for search entry resolvers.
AbstractSearchOperationFactory |
Base class for classes that need to configure a search operation.
AbstractSSLContextInitializer |
Provides common implementation for SSL context initializer.
AbstractStringValueTranscoder<T> |
Value transcoder which decodes and encodes to a String and therefore the binary methods simply delegate to the string
AbstractUrlFormatter |
Base implementation for LDAP URL formatters.
AccountState |
Represents the state of an LDAP account based on account policies for that LDAP.
AccountState.DefaultWarning |
Default warning implementation.
AccountState.Error |
Contains error information for an account state.
AccountState.Warning |
Contains warning information for an account state.
ActivationException |
Thrown when an attempt to activate a pooled connection fails.
ActiveDirectoryAccountState |
Represents the state of an Active Directory account.
ActiveDirectoryAccountState.Error |
Enum to define active directory errors.
ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationResponseHandler |
Attempts to parse the authentication response message and set the account state using data associated with active
ActivePassiveConnectionStrategy |
Connection strategy that attempts hosts ordered exactly the way they are configured.
AddControlAuthenticationRequestHandler |
AddControlAuthenticationRequestHandler.ControlFactory |
AddOperation |
Executes an ldap add operation.
AddOperation.Builder |
Add operation builder.
AddOperationWorker |
Executes multiple ldap add operations asynchronously.
AddRequest |
LDAP add request defined as:
AddRequest.Builder |
Add request builder.
AddResponse |
LDAP add response defined as:
AddResponse.Builder |
AgePruneStrategy |
Removes connections from the pool based on how long they have existed.
AgePruneStrategy.Builder |
Age prune strategy builder.
AggregateAuthenticationHandler |
AggregateAuthenticationHandler.Builder |
AggregateAuthenticationResponseHandler |
AggregateAuthenticationResponseHandler.Builder |
AggregateDnResolver |
Looks up a user's DN using multiple DN resolvers.
AggregateDnResolver.Builder |
AggregateEntryResolver |
AggregateEntryResolver.Builder |
AggregateTrustManager |
Trust manager that delegates to multiple trust managers.
AggregateTrustManager.Strategy |
Enum to define how trust managers should be processed.
AggregateTrustManager.TrustManagerConsumer |
Interface for consuming a trust manager.
AllowAnyHostnameVerifier |
Hostname verifier that returns true for any hostname.
AllowAnyTrustManager |
Trust manager that trusts any certificate.
AndFilter |
And search filter set defined as:
AnonymousBindRequest |
LDAP anonymous bind request.
AnonymousBindRequest.Builder |
Simple bind request builder.
ApplicationDERTag |
Generic application-specific tag.
ApproximateFilter |
Approximate search filter component defined as:
ArrayReflectionTranscoder |
Reflection transcoder which expects to operate on collections containing an array of values.
Attribute |
Annotation to describe LDAP attribute data on a bean.
AttributeModification |
LDAP modification defined as:
AttributeModification.Type |
Modification type.
AttributeType |
Bean for an attribute type schema element.
AttributeType.DefaultDefinitionFunction |
Parses an attribute type definition using a char buffer.
AttributeType.RegexDefinitionFunction |
Parses an attribute type definition using a regular expression.
AttributeTypeValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes an attribute type for use in an ldap attribute value.
AttributeUsage |
Enum for an attribute usage schema element.
AttributeValueEscaper |
Interface for escaping attribute values.
AttributeValueMutator |
Interface for mutating an attribute value on an arbitrary object.
AuthenticationCriteria |
Contains the properties used to perform authentication.
AuthenticationHandler |
Provides an interface for LDAP authentication implementations.
AuthenticationHandlerResponse |
Response object for authentication handlers.
AuthenticationHandlerResponse.Builder |
AuthenticationRequest |
Contains the data required to perform an ldap authentication.
AuthenticationRequest.Builder |
Authentication request builder.
AuthenticationRequestHandler |
Provides pre authentication handling of authentication requests.
AuthenticationRequestPropertyInvoker |
AuthenticationRequestPropertySource |
AuthenticationResponse |
Synthetic response object that encapsulates data used for authentication.
AuthenticationResponse.Builder |
AuthenticationResponseHandler |
Provides post authentication handling of authentication responses.
AuthenticationResultCode |
Enum to define authentication results.
Authenticator |
Provides functionality to authenticate users against an ldap directory.
Authenticator.Builder |
Authenticator builder.
AuthenticatorFactory |
Provides an interface for creating authenticators needed by various JAAS modules.
AuthenticatorPropertyInvoker |
AuthenticatorPropertySource |
Reads properties specific to Authenticator and returns an initialized object of that type.
AuthorizationIdentityEntryResolver |
Reads the authorization identity response control, then performs an object level search on the result.
AuthorizationIdentityRequestControl |
Request control for authorization identity.
AuthorizationIdentityResponseControl |
Response control for authorization identity.
AutoReadFlowControlHandler |
Keeps a counter of messages that have been sent down the pipeline.
BeanGenerator |
Utility class for creating Java POJOs from an LDAP schema.
BeanGenerator.Builder |
BeanGeneratorPropertyInvoker |
BeanGeneratorPropertySource |
Reads properties specific to BeanGenerator and returns an initialized object of that type.
BindConnectionInitializer |
Initializes a connection by performing a bind operation.
BindConnectionInitializer.Builder |
BindConnectionInitializerPropertyInvoker |
BindConnectionInitializerPropertySource |
BindConnectionPassivator |
Passivates a connection by performing a bind operation on it.
BindOperation |
Executes an ldap bind operation.
BindOperation.Builder |
Bind operation builder.
BindRequest |
LDAP bind request defined as:
BindResponse |
LDAP bind response defined as:
BindResponse.Builder |
BindResponse.SASLCredsHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the server SASL creds.
BlockingConnectionPool |
Implements a pool of connections that has a set minimum and maximum size.
BlockingConnectionPoolPropertyInvoker |
BlockingConnectionPoolPropertySource |
BlockingTimeoutException |
Thrown when a blocking operation times out.
BooleanType |
Converts booleans to and from their DER encoded format.
BooleanValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a boolean for use in an ldap attribute value.
ByteArrayValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a byte array for use in an ldap attribute value.
CallableWorker<T> |
Executes callable tasks asynchronously.
CancelRequest |
LDAP cancel request defined as:
CaseChangeEntryHandler |
Provides the ability to modify the case of search entry DNs, attribute names, and attribute values.
CaseChangeEntryHandler.Builder |
Case change entry handler builder.
CaseChangeEntryHandler.CaseChange |
Enum to define the type of case change.
CertificateHostnameVerifier |
Interface for verifying a hostname matching a certificate.
CertificateValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a certificate for use in an ldap attribute value.
CharArrayValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a character array for use in an ldap attribute value.
ClassDescriptor |
Describes the attribute value mutators and DN value mutators for a specific type.
ClasspathResourceLoader |
Creates an InputStream from a string that is prefixed with 'classpath:'.
ClosedRetryMetadata |
Retry metadata used when a connection is unexpectedly closed.
CompareAuthenticationHandler |
Provides an LDAP authentication implementation that uses a compare operation against the userPassword attribute.
CompareAuthenticationHandler.Scheme |
Represents a password scheme used for attribute comparison.
CompareAuthenticationHandlerPropertyInvoker |
CompareAuthenticationHandlerPropertySource |
CompareConnectionValidator |
Validates a connection is healthy by performing a compare operation.
CompareConnectionValidator.Builder |
Compare validator builder.
CompareOperation |
Executes an ldap compare operation.
CompareOperation.Builder |
Compare operation builder.
CompareOperationHandle |
Handle that notifies on the components of a compare request.
CompareOperationWorker |
Executes multiple ldap compare operations asynchronously.
CompareRequest |
LDAP compare request defined as:
CompareRequest.Builder |
Compare request builder.
CompareResponse |
LDAP compare response defined as:
CompareResponse.Builder |
CompareValueHandler |
Marker interface for a compare result handler.
CompleteHandler |
Marker interface for a complete handler.
ConnectException |
Exception that indicates a connection attempt failed.
Connection |
Interface for connection implementations.
ConnectionActivator |
Provides an interface for activating connections when they are checked out from the pool.
ConnectionConfig |
Contains all the configuration data needed to control connections.
ConnectionConfig.Builder |
ConnectionConfigPropertyInvoker |
ConnectionConfigPropertySource |
Reads properties specific to ConnectionConfig and returns an initialized object of that type.
ConnectionFactory |
Interface for connection factories.
ConnectionFactoryManager |
Interface for objects that manage an instance of connection factory.
ConnectionFactoryMetadata |
Interface to describe the state of the connection factory.
ConnectionInitializer |
Provides an interface for initializing connections after they are opened.
ConnectionPassivator |
Provides an interface for passivating connections when they are checked back into the pool.
ConnectionPool |
Provides an interface for connection pooling.
ConnectionStrategy |
Interface to describe various connection strategies.
ConnectionValidator |
Provides an interface for defining connection validation.
ConstructedDEREncoder |
Encodes constructed types to their DER format.
ContextDERTag |
Generic context-specific tag.
ContextType |
Converts context types to their DER encoded format.
Control |
Marker interface for ldap controls.
ControlFactory |
Utility class for creating controls.
CookieManager |
Interface for the reading and writing of control related cookies.
CramMD5BindRequest |
LDAP CRAM-MD5 bind request.
Credential |
Provides convenience methods for converting the various types of passwords into a byte array.
CredentialConfig |
Provides a base interface for all credential configurations.
CredentialConfigFactory |
Utility class for creating credential configs when the underlying credential is already available for use.
CredentialConfigParser |
Parses the configuration data associated with credential configs.
CredentialReader<T> |
Reads a credential from an IO source.
CustomDERTag |
Describes the tag of an application-specific, context-specific, or private DER type where the tag name may be
specified for clarity in application code.
DefaultAttributeValueEscaper |
Escapes an attribute value per RFC 4514 section 2.4.
DefaultClassDescriptor |
Default implementation of a class descriptor.
DefaultCompareOperationHandle |
Handle that notifies on the components of a compare request.
DefaultConnectionFactory |
Creates connections for performing ldap operations.
DefaultConnectionFactory.Builder |
DefaultConnectionFactoryPropertyInvoker |
DefaultConnectionFactoryPropertySource |
DefaultCookieManager |
Cookie manager that stores a cookie in memory.
DefaultDERBuffer |
DefaultDnParser |
Parses DNs following the rules in RFC 4514.
DefaultDnParser.OctetStringHandler |
Parse handler for decoding octet strings.
DefaultDNSContextFactory |
Provides the default implementation of the JNDI context factory for DNS queries.
DefaultDnValueMutator |
DefaultExtendedOperationHandle |
Handle that notifies on the components of an extended request.
DefaultFilterFunction |
Parses an LDAP search filter string.
DefaultHostnameVerifier |
Hostname verifier that provides an implementation similar to what occurs with JNDI startTLS.
DefaultHostnameVerifier.SubjectAltNameType |
Enum for subject alt name types.
DefaultLdapEntryManager<T> |
Default implementation of an ldap entry manager.
DefaultLdapEntryMapper<T> |
Stores the class descriptors for a specific object in a static map.
DefaultNettyTransport |
Creates netty connections using the best fit event loop group based on the operating system.
DefaultOperationHandle<Q extends Request,S extends Result> |
Handle that notifies on the components of an LDAP operation request.
DefaultRDnNormalizer |
Normalizes a RDN by performing the following operations:
lowercase attribute names
lowercase attribute values
compress duplicate spaces in attribute values
escape attribute value characters
sort multi value RDNs by name
This API provides properties to control attribute name normalization, attribute value normalization and attribute
value escaping in order to customize the behavior.
DefaultReferralConnectionFactory |
Default implementation of a referral connection factory.
DefaultReflectionTranscoder |
Default implementation of a reflection transcoder.
DefaultSaslClient |
SASL client that negotiates the details of the bind operation.
DefaultSaslClientRequest |
Base class for SASL client requests.
DefaultSearchOperationHandle |
Handle that notifies on the components of a search request.
DefaultSSLContextInitializer |
Provides a default implementation of SSL context initializer which allows the setting of trust and key managers in
order to create an SSL context.
DefaultTrustManager |
DefaultUrlParser |
Parses an LDAP URL string.
DefinitionFunction<T extends SchemaElement> |
Marker interface for a schema definition function.
DelegateTransportFactory |
DeleteOperation |
Executes an ldap delete operation.
DeleteOperation.Builder |
Delete operation builder.
DeleteOperationWorker |
Executes multiple ldap delete operations asynchronously.
DeleteRequest |
LDAP delete request defined as:
DeleteRequest.Builder |
Delete request builder.
DeleteResponse |
LDAP delete response defined as:
DeleteResponse.Builder |
DeltaTimeValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes an active directory delta time value for use in an ldap attribute value.
DERBuffer |
Byte buffer used for DER parsing.
DerefAliases |
Enum to define how aliases are dereferenced.
DEREncoder |
Interface for encoding DER objects.
DERParser |
DERPath |
Describes paths to individual elements of an encoded DER object that may be addressed during parsing to associate a
parsed element with a handler to handle that element.
DERPath.Node |
DER path node encapsulates the path name and its location among other children that share a common parent.
DERTag |
Describes the tag of a DER-encoded type.
DigestMD5BindRequest |
LDAP DIGEST-MD5 bind request.
DirSyncClient |
Client that simplifies using the active directory dir sync control.
DirSyncControl |
Request/response control for active directory synchronization.
DirSyncControl.CookieHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the cookie.
DirSyncControl.Flag |
Types of flags.
DirSyncControl.FlagHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the flag.
DirSyncControl.MaxAttrCountHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the maxAttributeCount.
DITContentRule |
Bean for a DIT content rule schema element.
DITContentRule.DefaultDefinitionFunction |
Parses a DIT content rule definition using a char buffer.
DITContentRule.RegexDefinitionFunction |
Parses a DIT content rule definition using a regular expression.
DITContentRuleValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a DIT content rule for use in an ldap attribute value.
DITStructureRule |
Bean for a DIT content rule schema element.
DITStructureRule.DefaultDefinitionFunction |
Parses a DIT structure rule definition using a char buffer.
DITStructureRule.RegexDefinitionFunction |
Parses a DIT structure rule definition using a regular expression.
DITStructureRuleValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a DIT structure rule for use in an ldap attribute value.
Dn |
Distinguished name containing zero or more relative distinguished names.
Dn.Builder |
DnAttributeEntryHandler |
Adds the entry DN as an attribute to the result set.
DnAttributeEntryHandler.Builder |
DN attribute entry handler builder.
DnParser |
Interface for parsing DNs.
DnResolver |
Provides an interface for finding LDAP DNs with a user identifier.
DNSContextFactory |
Interface to provide DirContext implementations to be used for DNS queries.
DNSDomainFunction |
DNSResolver<T> |
Strategy pattern interface for resolving DNS records.
DnsResolverConnectionStrategy |
Connection strategy that tries all IP addresses resolved from DNS.
DnsSrvConnectionStrategy |
DNS SRV connection strategy.
DnValueMutator |
Interface for mutating the DN value on an arbitrary object.
DoubleValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a double for use in an ldap attribute value.
DurationToStringConverter |
EDirectoryAccountState |
Represents the state of an eDirectory account.
EDirectoryAccountState.Error |
Enum to define edirectory errors.
EDirectoryAuthenticationResponseHandler |
Attempts to parse the authentication response and set the account state using data associated with eDirectory.
EncodedRequest |
Wrapper object that stores an encoded request with its message ID.
Entry |
Annotation to describe an LDAP entry on a bean.
EntryChangeNotificationControl |
Response control for persistent search.
EntryChangeNotificationControl.ChangeNumberHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the change number.
EntryChangeNotificationControl.ChangeTypeHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the change type.
EntryChangeNotificationControl.PreviousDnHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the previous dn.
EntryResolver |
Provides an interface for finding a user's ldap entry after a successful authentication.
EqualityFilter |
Equality search filter component.
ExceptionHandler |
Marker interface for an LDAP exception handler.
ExtendedDnControl |
Request control for active directory servers to use an extended form of an object distinguished name.
ExtendedDnControl.Flag |
Types of flags.
ExtendedOperation |
Executes an ldap extended operation.
ExtendedOperation.Builder |
Extended operation builder.
ExtendedOperationHandle |
Handle that notifies on the components of an extended request.
ExtendedRequest |
LDAP extended request defined as:
ExtendedRequest.Builder |
Extended request builder.
ExtendedResponse |
LDAP extended response defined as:
ExtendedResponse.Builder |
ExtendedResponse.ResponseNameHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the response name.
ExtendedResponse.ResponseValueHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the response value.
ExtendedValueHandler |
Marker interface for an extended result handler.
ExtensibleFilter |
Extensible search filter component.
Extensions |
Bean for an extension found in a schema element.
ExternalBindRequest |
LDAP external bind request.
FastBindConnectionInitializer |
Initializes a connection by performing a fast bind operation.
FastBindRequest |
LDAP fast bind request defined as:
FieldAttributeValueMutator |
Attribute mutator associated with the Field of an object.
FieldClassDescriptor |
Creates DN and attribute mutators for the Field s on a type.
FileResourceLoader |
Creates an InputStream from a string that is prefixed with 'file:'.
FileTimeValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes an active directory file time value for use in an ldap attribute value.
Filter |
LDAP search filter defined as:
Filter.Type |
Filter type.
FilterFunction |
Marker interface for a filter function.
FilterParseException |
Exception that indicates an invalid filter string.
FilterParser |
Encapsulates a FilterFunction and exposes a convenience static method for parsing filters..
FilterSet |
Container of search filters.
FilterTemplate |
Class for producing an LDAP search filter from a filter template.
FilterTemplate.Builder |
FilterUtils |
Provides utility methods for this package.
FloatValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a float for use in an ldap attribute value.
FollowAddReferralHandler |
Provides handling of an ldap referral for add operations.
FollowCompareReferralHandler |
Provides handling of an ldap referral for compare operations.
FollowDeleteReferralHandler |
Provides handling of an ldap referral for delete operations.
FollowModifyDnReferralHandler |
Provides handling of an ldap referral for modify dn operations.
FollowModifyReferralHandler |
Provides handling of an ldap referral for modify operations.
FollowSearchReferralHandler |
Provides handling of an ldap referral for search operations.
FollowSearchResultReferenceHandler |
Provides handling of an ldap continuation reference for search operations.
ForceUpdateControl |
Request control for active directory servers to perform an update even if the data is already the same.
FormatDnResolver |
Returns a DN by applying a formatter.
FreeIPAAccountState |
Represents the state of a FreeIPA account.
FreeIPAAccountState.Error |
Enum to define FreeIPA errors.
FreeIPAAuthenticationResponseHandler |
Attempts to parse the authentication response and set the account state using data associated with FreeIPA.
Freezable |
Interface for objects that can be made immutable after creation by invoking the Freezable.freeze() method.
FreezeResultHandler |
Freezes a search response so that it can no longer be modified.
GeneralizedTimeValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a generalized time for use in an ldap attribute value.
GeneralizedTimeValueTranscoder.FractionalPart |
Describes the fractional part of a generalized time string.
GenericControl |
LDAP control defined as:
GetStatsControl |
Request/response control for active directory servers to return statistics along with search results.
GetStatsControl.IntegerHandler |
Parse handler implementation for integer stats.
GetStatsControl.StringHandler |
Parse handler implementation for string stats.
GlobalIdentifier |
Class to represent an active directory GUID.
GreaterOrEqualFilter |
Greater or equal search filter component defined as:
GssApiBindRequest |
LDAP GSSAPI bind request.
GssApiSaslClient |
GSSAPI SASL client that implements the JAAS details to perform an LDAP bind with a kerberos principal.
HandleMap |
Container for operation handles that are waiting on a response from the LDAP server.
Hex |
Utility for hexidecimal encoding and decoding.
HostnameResolver |
HostnameVerifierAdapter |
HostnameVerifyingListener |
Handshake completed listener that invokes a hostname verifier.
IdlePruneStrategy |
Removes connections from the pool based on how long they have been idle in the available queue.
IdlePruneStrategy.Builder |
Idle prune strategy builder.
InitialRetryMetadata |
Retry metadata used when a connection is opened.
IntegerType |
Converts arbitrary-precision integers to and from their DER encoded format.
IntegerValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes an integer for use in an ldap attribute value.
IntermediateResponse |
LDAP extended response defined as:
IntermediateResponse.Builder |
IntermediateResponse.ResponseNameHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the response name.
IntermediateResponse.ResponseValueHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the response value.
IntermediateResponseHandler |
Marker interface for an intermediate response handler.
KeyStoreCredentialConfig |
Provides the properties necessary for creating an SSL context initializer with a keystore credential reader.
KeyStoreCredentialConfig.Builder |
KeyStoreCredentialReader |
Reads keystore credentials from a classpath, filepath, or stream resource.
KeyStoreSSLContextInitializer |
Provides an SSL context initializer which can use java KeyStores to create key and trust managers.
KeyStoreUtils |
Provides utility methods for using a KeyStore .
LazyCommitControl |
Request control for active directory domain controllers to sacrifice durability guarantees on updates to improve
LdapAttribute |
LDAP attribute defined as:
LdapAttribute.AttributeValue |
Container for an attribute value.
LdapAttribute.Builder |
LdapAttribute.ByteArrayComparator |
Comparator for byte arrays.
LdapAttribute.StringComparator |
Comparator for strings.
LdapCredential |
Provides a custom implementation for adding LDAP credentials to a subject.
LdapDnAuthorizationModule |
Provides a JAAS authentication hook into LDAP DNs.
LdapDnPrincipal |
Provides a custom implementation for adding LDAP principals to a subject.
LdapEntry |
LDAP search result entry defined as:
LdapEntry.AttributeParser |
Parses a buffer containing an attribute name and its values.
LdapEntry.AttributesHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the attributes.
LdapEntry.Builder |
LdapEntry.LdapDnHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the LDAP DN.
LdapEntryHandler |
Marker interface for an ldap entry handler.
LdapEntryManager<T> |
Interface to manage objects that have been annotated to contain LDAP data.
LdapEntryMapper<T> |
Interface for ldap entry mappers.
LdapException |
Base exception for all ldap related exceptions.
LdapGroup |
Provides a custom implementation for grouping principals.
LdapLoginModule |
Provides a JAAS authentication hook for LDAP authentication.
LdapPrincipal |
Provides a custom implementation for adding LDAP principals to a subject.
LdapRole |
Provides a custom implementation for adding LDAP principals to a subject that represent roles.
LdapRoleAuthorizationModule |
Provides a JAAS authentication hook into LDAP roles.
LdapURL |
Class to represent an LDAP URL in order to make connections to an LDAP server.
LdapURLActivatorService |
Singleton which manages a single thread that periodically tests inactive LDAP URLs.
LdapURLRetryMetadata |
LdapURLSet |
A set of LDAP URLs with helper functions for common connection strategies.
LdapUtils |
Provides utility methods for this package.
LdifReader |
LdifWriter |
LessOrEqualFilter |
Less or equal search filter component defined as:
ListReflectionTranscoder |
Reflection transcoder for an object that implements List .
LongValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a long for use in an ldap attribute value.
ManageDsaITControl |
Request control for ManageDsaIT.
MatchedValuesRequestControl |
Request control for limiting the attribute values returned by a search request.
MatchingRule |
Bean for a matching rule schema element.
MatchingRule.DefaultDefinitionFunction |
Parses a matching rule definition using a char buffer.
MatchingRule.RegexDefinitionFunction |
Parses a matching rule definition using a regular expression.
MatchingRuleUse |
Bean for a matching rule use schema element.
MatchingRuleUse.DefaultDefinitionFunction |
Parses a matching rule use definition using a char buffer.
MatchingRuleUse.RegexDefinitionFunction |
Parses a matching rule use definition using a regular expression.
MatchingRuleUseValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a matching rule use for use in an ldap attribute value.
MatchingRuleValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a matching rule for use in an ldap attribute value.
Mechanism |
Enum to define SASL mechanisms.
MergeAttributeEntryHandler |
Merges the values of one or more attributes into a single attribute.
MergeAttributeEntryHandler.Builder |
Merge attribute entry handler builder.
MergeOperation |
The merge operation performs the LDAP operations necessary to synchronize the data in an LdapEntry with its
corresponding entry in the LDAP.
MergeRequest |
Contains the data required to perform a merge operation.
MergeRequest.AttributeModificationsHandler |
Marker interface for an attribute modifications handler.
MergeRequest.BatchHandler |
Processes attribute modifications so that any list of attribute modifications does not exceed the configured batch
MergeRequest.MaxSizeAttributeValueHandler |
Processes attribute modifications to enforce the maximum number of attribute values in any single attribute.
MergeResultHandler |
Merges the values of the attributes in all entries into a single entry.
Message |
LDAP protocol response.
MessageFrameDecoder |
Reads the input byte buffer until an entire message is available.
MessageFunctional<Q extends Request,S extends Result> |
Base class for processing a message that is initialized with properties from the handle.
MessageFunctional.BiConsumer<Q extends Request,S extends Result,T,U> |
Marker class to inject handle properties.
MessageFunctional.Consumer<Q extends Request,S extends Result,T> |
Marker class to inject handle properties.
MessageFunctional.Function<Q extends Request,S extends Result,T,R> |
Marker class to inject handle properties.
MethodAttributeValueMutator |
Attribute mutator associated with the Method of an object.
MethodClassDescriptor |
Creates DN and attribute mutators for the Method s on a type.
MinimalAttributeValueEscaper |
Escapes an attribute value per RFC 4514 section 2.4.
MinimalUrlFormatter |
Formats an LDAP URL using the exact properties contained in the LDAP URL.
ModifyDnOperation |
Executes an ldap modify DN operation.
ModifyDnOperation.Builder |
Modify DN operation builder.
ModifyDnOperationWorker |
Executes multiple ldap modify DN operations asynchronously.
ModifyDnRequest |
LDAP modify DN request defined as:
ModifyDnRequest.Builder |
Modify DN request builder.
ModifyDnResponse |
LDAP modify DN response defined as:
ModifyDnResponse.Builder |
ModifyOperation |
Executes an ldap modify operation.
ModifyOperation.Builder |
Modify operation builder.
ModifyOperationWorker |
Executes multiple ldap modify operations asynchronously.
ModifyRequest |
LDAP modify request defined as:
ModifyRequest.Builder |
Modify request builder.
ModifyResponse |
LDAP modify response defined as:
ModifyResponse.Builder |
NameForm |
Bean for a name form schema element.
NameForm.DefaultDefinitionFunction |
Parses a name form definition using a char buffer.
NameForm.RegexDefinitionFunction |
Parses a name form definition using a regular expression.
NameFormValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a name form for use in an ldap attribute value.
NameValue |
Container for a RDN name value pair.
NettyConnection |
Netty based connection implementation.
NettyConnection.AddRemoveHandler |
Invokes a latch when this handler is added or removed from a pipeline.
NettyConnection.AutoReadEventHandler |
Initiates a channel read when an LDAP message has been processed and auto read is false.
NettyConnection.MessageDecoder |
Decodes byte buffer into a concrete LDAP response message.
NettyConnection.MessageStatus |
Enum that describes the state of an LDAP message in the pipeline.
NettyConnection.RequestEncoder |
Encodes an LDAP request into its DER bytes.
NettyDERBuffer |
NettyTransportFactory |
Netty specific implementation for creating Transport .
NettyUtils |
Provides utility methods for this package.
NoOpDnResolver |
Returns a DN that is the user identifier.
NoOpEntryResolver |
Returns an LDAP entry that contains only the DN that was supplied to it.
NotFilter |
Not search filter set defined as:
NoticeOfDisconnection |
LDAP notice of disconnection defined as:
NoticeOfDisconnection.Builder |
NotificationClient |
Client that simplifies using the notification control.
NotificationClient.NotificationItem |
Contains data returned when using the notification control.
NotificationControl |
Request control for active directory servers to send asynchronous notifications to the client when a change is made.
NullType |
Convenience type for a tag with a null value.
ObjectClass |
Bean for an object class schema element.
ObjectClass.DefaultDefinitionFunction |
Parses an object class definition using a char buffer.
ObjectClass.RegexDefinitionFunction |
Parses an object class definition using a regular expression.
ObjectClassType |
Enum for an object class schema element.
ObjectClassValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes an object class for use in an ldap attribute value.
ObjectGuidHandler |
Processes an objectGuid attribute by converting it from binary to its string form.
ObjectSidHandler |
Processes an objectSid attribute by converting it from binary to its string form.
ObjectValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes an object for use in an ldap attribute value.
OctetStringType |
Converts strings to and from their DER encoded format.
OidType |
Converts object identifiers to and from their DER encoded format.
Operation<Q extends Request,S extends Result> |
Operation interface.
OperationHandle<Q extends Request,S extends Result> |
Handle that notifies on the components of an LDAP operation request.
OperationWorker<Q extends Request,S extends Result> |
Interface for ldap operation workers.
OrFilter |
Or search filter set defined as:
PagedResultsClient |
Client that simplifies using the paged results control.
PagedResultsControl |
Request/response control for PagedResults.
PagedResultsControl.CookieHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the cookie.
PagedResultsControl.SizeHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the size.
ParseHandler |
Provides a hook in the DER parser for handling specific paths as they are encountered.
PasswordExpirationAccountState |
Represents the state of an account in a directory that implements:
PasswordExpirationAccountState.Error |
Enum to define password expiration error.
PasswordExpirationAuthenticationResponseHandler |
Attempts to parse the authentication response and set the account state using data associated with the password
expiring and password expired controls.
PasswordExpiredControl |
Response control indicating an expired password.
PasswordExpiringControl |
Response control indicating a password that will expire.
PasswordModifyRequest |
LDAP password modify request defined as:
PasswordModifyResponseParser |
Utility class for parsing the responseValue from a password generation.
PasswordModifyResponseParser.GenPasswdHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the genPasswd.
PasswordPolicyAccountState |
Represents the state of an account as described by a password policy control.
PasswordPolicyAuthenticationRequestHandler |
PasswordPolicyAuthenticationResponseHandler |
Attempts to parse the authentication response message and set the account state using data associated with a password
policy control.
PasswordPolicyControl |
Request/response control for password policy.
PasswordPolicyControl.Error |
Enum for ppolicy errors.
PasswordPolicyControl.ErrorHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the error.
PasswordPolicyControl.GraceAuthnsRemainingHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the grace authns remaining.
PasswordPolicyControl.TimeBeforeExpirationHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the time before expiration.
PermissiveModifyControl |
Request control for active directory servers to return success on add/modify/delete operations that would normally
return an error.
PersistentSearchChangeType |
PersistentSearchClient |
Client that simplifies using the persistent search control.
PersistentSearchRequestControl |
Request control for persistent search.
PooledConnectionFactory |
Creates connections for performing ldap operations and manages those connections as a pool.
PooledConnectionFactory.Builder |
PooledConnectionFactoryPropertyInvoker |
PooledConnectionFactoryPropertySource |
PooledConnectionProxy |
Provides an interface for metadata surrounding a connection that is participating in the connection pool.
PooledConnectionStatistics |
Statistics associated with a connection's activity in the pool.
PooledReferralConnectionFactory |
Pooled implementation of a referral connection factory.
PoolException |
Base exception thrown when a pool operation fails.
PoolExhaustedException |
Thrown when the pool is empty and no new requests can be serviced.
PresenceFilter |
Presence search filter component defined as:
PrimaryGroupIdHandler |
Constructs the primary group SID and then searches for that group and puts its DN in the 'memberOf' attribute of the
original search entry.
PrivateKeyCredentialReader |
Reads private key credentials from classpath, filepath, or stream resource.
PropertiesAuthenticatorFactory |
Provides a module authenticator factory implementation that uses the properties package in this library.
PropertiesRoleResolverFactory |
Provides a module role resolver factory implementation that uses the properties package in this library.
PropertyInvoker |
Interface for property driven object method invocation.
PropertySource<T> |
Interface for property driven object initialization.
PropertySource.PropertyDomain |
Enum to define the domain for properties.
PropertyValueParser |
Parses the configuration data associated with classes that contain setter properties.
ProxyAuthorizationControl |
Request control for proxy authorization.
PruneStrategy |
Provides an interface for pruning connections from the pool.
QualityOfProtection |
Enum to define SASL quality of protection.
Query |
Contains data associated with a query request.
Queue<T> |
Provides a wrapper around a Deque to support LIFO and FIFO operations.
QueueType |
Enum to define queue type.
RandomConnectionStrategy |
Connection strategy that randomizes the list of configured URLs.
RangeEntryHandler |
Rewrites attributes returned from Active Directory to include all values by performing additional searches.
RangeRetrievalNoerrControl |
Request control for active directory servers to avoid error response with range retrieval.
RDn |
Relative distinguished name containing one or more name value pairs.
RDnNormalizer |
Interface for normalizing RDNs.
RecursiveResultHandler |
This recursively searches based on a supplied attribute and merges those results into the original entry.
ReferralConnectionFactory |
Factory for creating connections used by referrals.
ReferralHandler |
Marker interface for a referral handler.
ReferralResultHandler<S extends Result> |
Marker interface for a referral result handler.
ReflectionTranscoder |
Interface for reflection based transcoders.
ReflectionUtils |
Provides utility methods for common reflection operations.
RegexFilterFunction |
Parses an LDAP search filter string using regular expressions.
RegexUrlParser |
Parses an LDAP URL string using a regular expression.
RelaxControl |
Relax request control.
Request |
LDAP protocol request.
RequestControl |
Marker interface for ldap request controls.
RequestHandler<Q extends Request> |
Marker interface for a request handler.
ResourceLoader |
ResourceUtils |
Provides utility methods for resources.
ResponseControl |
Marker interface for ldap response controls.
ResponseControlHandler |
Marker interface for a response control handler.
ResponseParser |
Parses a buffer looking for an LDAP response message.
Result |
LDAP protocol result.
ResultCode |
Enum to define ldap result codes.
ResultHandler |
Marker interface for a result handler.
ResultPredicate |
Marker interface for a throw predicate.
RetryMetadata |
Contains properties related to retries.
ReturnAttributes |
Enum to define constants specific to ldap return attributes.
RoleResolver |
Looks up a user's roles using an LDAP search.
RoleResolverFactory |
Provides an interface for creating role resolver needed by various JAAS modules.
RoundRobinConnectionStrategy |
Connection strategy that reorders its URLs based on the number of times it's been invoked.
SaslBindRequest |
LDAP SASL bind request defined as:
SaslBindRequest.Builder |
SASL bind request builder.
SaslClient<T> |
SASL client that negotiates the details of the bind operation.
SaslClientRequest |
Maker interface for SASL mechanisms that use a custom client.
SaslConfig |
Contains basic configuration data for SASL authentication.
SaslConfig.Builder |
SaslHandler |
Netty handler that uses a SaslClient to wrap and unwrap requests and responses.
Schema |
Bean that contains the schema definitions in RFC 4512.
SchemaElement |
Interface for schema elements.
SchemaFactory |
Factory to create Schema from an active directory schema search result.
SchemaFactory |
Factory to create Schema objects from an LDAP entry.
SchemaFunction |
Marker interface for a schema function.
SchemaParseException |
Exception that indicates a schema element string could not be parsed.
SchemaParser |
Encapsulates a SchemaFunction and exposes a convenience static method for parsing schema definitions.
SchemaParser.DefaultSchemaFunction |
CharBuffer based implementation for schema functions.
SchemaParser.RegexSchemaFunction |
Regular expression based implementation for schema functions.
SchemaUtils |
Provides utility methods for this package.
ScramBindRequest |
LDAP SCRAM (Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism) bind request.
ScramSaslClient |
SASL client that implements the SCRAM protocol.
ScramSaslClient.ClientFinalMessage |
Properties associated with the final client message.
ScramSaslClient.ClientFirstMessage |
Properties associated with the client first message.
ScramSaslClient.ServerFinalMessage |
Verifies the final server message.
ScramSaslClient.ServerFirstMessage |
Properties associated with the first server response.
SearchConnectionValidator |
Validates a connection is healthy by performing a search operation.
SearchConnectionValidator.Builder |
Search validator builder.
SearchConnectionValidatorPropertySource |
SearchDnResolver |
Base implementation for search dn resolvers.
SearchDnResolver.Builder |
Search DN resolver builder.
SearchDnResolverPropertySource |
Reads properties specific to SearchDnResolver and returns an initialized object of that type.
SearchEntryResolver |
Looks up the LDAP entry associated with a user.
SearchEntryResolverPropertySource |
Reads properties specific to SearchEntryResolver and returns an initialized object of that type.
SearchOperation |
Executes an ldap search operation.
SearchOperation.Builder |
Search operation builder.
SearchOperationFactoryPropertyInvoker |
SearchOperationHandle |
Handle that notifies on the components of a search request.
SearchOperationWorker |
Executes multiple ldap search operations asynchronously.
SearchOptionsControl |
Request control for active directory servers to control various search behaviors.
SearchOptionsControl.Flag |
Types of flags.
SearchReferenceHandler |
Marker interface for a search reference handler.
SearchRequest |
LDAP search request defined as:
SearchRequest.Builder |
Search request builder.
SearchRequestPropertyInvoker |
SearchRequestPropertySource |
Reads properties specific to SearchRequest and returns an initialized object of that type.
SearchResponse |
Response that encapsulates the result elements of a search request.
SearchResponse.Builder |
SearchResultHandler |
Marker interface for a search result handler.
SearchResultReader |
Interface for reading ldap search results.
SearchResultReference |
LDAP search result entry defined as:
SearchResultReference.Builder |
SearchResultReference.ReferralUriHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the referral URL.
SearchResultWriter |
Interface for writing ldap search results.
SearchRoleResolver |
Base class for search role resolver implementations.
SearchRoleResolverPropertySource |
Reads properties specific to SearchRoleResolver and returns an initialized object of that type.
SearchScope |
Enum to define the type of search scope.
SearchTemplates |
Contains a list of common search filter templates that can be formatted for any given query.
SearchTemplates.DefaultTermParser |
Adds each term as a filter parameter using the name 'termX' where X is the index of the term.
SearchTemplates.InitialTermParser |
Adds the first letter of each term as a filter parameter using the name 'initialX' where X is the index of the
SearchTemplates.TermParser |
Converts query terms into search filter parameters.
SearchTemplatesOperation |
Searches an LDAP using a defined set of search templates.
SecurityIdentifier |
Class to represent an active directory SID.
SecurityStrength |
Enum to define SASL security strength.
SessionTrackingControl |
Request/response control for session tracking.
SessionTrackingControl.FormatOIDHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the format oid.
SessionTrackingControl.SourceIpHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the source ip.
SessionTrackingControl.SourceNameHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the source name.
SessionTrackingControl.TrackingIdentifierHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the tracking identifier.
SetReflectionTranscoder |
Reflection transcoder for an object that implements Set .
ShortValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a short for use in an ldap attribute value.
ShowDeactivatedLinkControl |
Request control for active directory servers in include link attributes that refer to deleted-objects in a search
ShowDeletedControl |
Request control for active directory servers to include deleted objects that match a search filter.
ShowRecycledControl |
Request control for active directory servers to include tombstones, deleted-objects, and recycled-objects that match
a search filter.
SimpleBindAuthenticationHandler |
Provides an LDAP authentication implementation that leverages the LDAP bind operation.
SimpleBindAuthenticationHandlerPropertyInvoker |
SimpleBindAuthenticationHandlerPropertySource |
SimpleBindRequest |
LDAP simple bind request.
SimpleBindRequest.Builder |
Simple bind request builder.
SimplePropertyInvoker |
Handles simple properties common to all objects.
SimplePropertySource<T> |
Reads simple properties and returns an initialized object of the supplied type.
SingleConnectionFactory |
Creates a single connection which is proxied for LDAP operations.
SingleConnectionFactory.Builder |
SingleConnectionFactory.ConnectionProxy |
Contains the connection used by this factory.
SingleValueReflectionTranscoder<T> |
Reflection transcoder which expects to operate on collections containing a single value.
SortKey |
SortRequestControl |
Request control for server side sorting.
SortResponseControl |
Response control for server side sorting.
SortResponseControl.AttributeTypeHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the attribute type.
SortResponseControl.SortResultHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the sort result.
SortResultHandler |
Sorts the entries, attributes, and attribute values contained in a search response.
SpelAttributeValueMutator |
Attribute mutator that uses a SPEL expression and evaluation context.
SpelDnValueMutator |
Uses a SPEL expression and evaluation context to mutate the configured DN of an object.
SpringClassDescriptor |
Spring implementation of a class descriptor.
SpringLdapEntryMapper<T> |
SRVDNSResolver |
Queries for DNS A records for a given host name.
SRVRecord |
Class to contain the properties of a DNS SRV record.
SslConfig |
Contains all the configuration data for SSL and startTLS.
SslConfig.Builder |
SslConfigPropertyInvoker |
SslConfigPropertySource |
Reads properties specific to SslConfig and returns an initialized object of that type.
SSLContextInitializer |
Provides an interface for the initialization of new SSL contexts.
StartTLSRequest |
LDAP startTLS request defined as:
StatefulNettyTransport |
Creates netty connections with configured event loops.
StringToDurationConverter |
StringToZonedDateTimeConverter |
StringValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a string for use in an ldap attribute value.
SubstringFilter |
Substring search filter component defined as:
SubstringFilter.Substrings |
Type of substring match.
SyncDoneControl |
Response control for ldap content synchronization.
SyncDoneControl.CookieHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the cookie.
SyncDoneControl.RefreshDeletesHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the refresh deletes flag.
SyncInfoMessage |
Intermediate response message for LDAP content synchronization.
SyncInfoMessage.Builder |
SyncInfoMessage.NewCookieHandler |
Parse handler implementation for new cookie.
SyncInfoMessage.RefreshDeleteCookieHandler |
Parse handler implementation for refresh delete cookie.
SyncInfoMessage.RefreshDeleteDoneHandler |
Parse handler implementation for refresh delete done.
SyncInfoMessage.RefreshDeleteHandler |
Parse handler implementation for refresh delete.
SyncInfoMessage.RefreshPresentCookieHandler |
Parse handler implementation for refresh present cookie.
SyncInfoMessage.RefreshPresentDoneHandler |
Parse handler implementation for refresh present done.
SyncInfoMessage.RefreshPresentHandler |
Parse handler implementation for refresh present.
SyncInfoMessage.SyncIdSetCookieHandler |
Parse handler implementation for sync id set cookie.
SyncInfoMessage.SyncIdSetDeletesHandler |
Parse handler implementation for sync id set deletes.
SyncInfoMessage.SyncIdSetHandler |
Parse handler implementation for sync id set.
SyncInfoMessage.SyncIdSetUuidsHandler |
Parse handler implementation for sync id set uuids.
SyncInfoMessage.Type |
Types of request modes.
SyncReplClient |
Client that simplifies using the sync repl control.
SyncReplCookie |
Class for parsing a sync repl cookie.
SyncReplCookie.CSN |
Class representing a Change Sequence Number.
SyncReplRunner |
Class that executes a SyncReplClient and expects to run continuously, reconnecting if the server is
SyncRequestControl |
Request control for ldap content synchronization.
SyncRequestControl.Mode |
Types of request modes.
SyncStateControl |
Response control for ldap content synchronization.
SyncStateControl.CookieHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the cookie.
SyncStateControl.EntryUuidHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the entry uuid.
SyncStateControl.State |
Types of states.
SyncStateControl.StateHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the sync state.
Syntax |
Bean for an attribute syntax schema element.
Syntax.DefaultDefinitionFunction |
Parses a syntax definition using a char buffer.
Syntax.RegexDefinitionFunction |
Parses a syntax definition using a regular expression.
SyntaxValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes an attribute syntax for use in an ldap attribute value.
ThreadPoolConfig |
Contains configuration properties for creating thread pools used by transports.
ThreadPoolConfig.Builder |
ThreadPoolConfig.ShutdownStrategy |
Enum to describe how thread pools should be shutdown.
TranscoderFactory |
Creates value transcoders and stores them in a static map.
Transport |
Provides an abstraction layer for different Connection implementations.
TransportConnection |
Base class for connection implementations.
TransportFactory |
Factory for creating connection transports.
TreeDeleteControl |
Request control for TreeDelete.
UnbindRequest |
LDAP unbind request defined as:
UnicodePwdAttribute |
Helper class for the active directory unicodePwd attribute.
UnicodePwdValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes an active directory unicodePwd value for use in an ldap attribute value.
UniversalDERTag |
Enumeration with common BER/DER universal tag types.
UnsolicitedNotification |
LDAP unsolicited notification defined as:
UnsolicitedNotification.Builder |
UnsolicitedNotificationHandler |
Marker interface for an intermediate response handler.
Url |
Class to represent an LDAP URL.
UrlFormatter |
Interface for formatting LDAP URLS.
UrlParser |
Interface for parsing LDAP URLs.
URLResourceLoader |
User |
Encapsulates the data needed to perform authentication for a user.
UuidType |
Converts UUIDs to and from their DER encoded format.
UUIDValueTranscoder |
Decodes and encodes a UUID for use in an ldap attribute value.
ValidationException |
Thrown when an attempt to validate a pooled connection fails.
ValidationExceptionHandler |
Marker interface for a validation exception handler.
ValueTranscoder<T> |
Interface for decoding and encoding custom types for ldap attribute values.
VerifyNameControl |
Request control for active directory servers to use an extended form of an object distinguished name.
VirtualListViewClient |
Client that simplifies using the virtual list view control.
VirtualListViewParams |
Contains data required by the virtual list view operation.
VirtualListViewRequestControl |
Request control for virtual list view.
VirtualListViewResponseControl |
Response control for virtual list view.
VirtualListViewResponseControl.ContentCountHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the content count.
VirtualListViewResponseControl.ContextIDHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the context ID.
VirtualListViewResponseControl.TargetPositionHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the target position.
VirtualListViewResponseControl.ViewResultHandler |
Parse handler implementation for the view result.
WhoAmIEntryResolver |
Executes the whoami extended operation on the authenticated connection, then performs an object level search
on the result.
WhoAmIRequest |
LDAP who am i request defined as:
WhoAmIResponseParser |
Utility class for parsing the responseValue from a whoami extended operation.
X509CertificateCredentialReader |
Loads an X.509 certificate credential from a classpath, filepath, or stream resource.
X509CertificatesCredentialReader |
Loads X.509 certificate credentials from a classpath, filepath, or stream resource.
X509CredentialConfig |
Provides the properties necessary for creating an SSL context initializer with an X.509 credential reader.
X509CredentialConfig.Builder |
X509DnDecoder |
Utility class for decoding the DER data in an X509 DN.
X509ExtendedTrustManagerWrapper |
X509SSLContextInitializer |
Provides an SSL context initializer which can use X.509 certificates to create key and trust managers.
ZonedDateTimeToStringConverter |